
I am fascinated about user experience and design thinking as this non-linear and iterative process enables a greater understanding of users, reveals valuable insights and leads to the formation of innovative solutions.

Projects Illustration


When working on projects I apply strong understanding of the design thinking process to ensure the workflow focuses on user needs. The process involves deconstructing the brief from the client, researching and defining problems, empathising with the users involved, ideation within a team, prototyping and testing.


Design Thinking.

Each of the icons provide a description of strategies and methods used at each stage of the design process.

image - Research

Contextual Inquiry - Research exisiting applications and collect qualitative and quantitative data.

Image - Empathy

Based on the research identify, analyse and empathise with the users feelings, experiences and needs.

Image - Ideate

Contextual Analysis - Identification of insights using affinity diagrams, create user stories, establish personas and create wireframes.

Image - Prototype

Create prototypes based on the research collected during the contextual inquiry and analysis.

Image - Test

Usability test each fidelity of the prototypes. Analsye then re-establish requirements, identify problems and propose improvements.

Image - Implement

User testing and evaluation is completed and the prototype meets the requirements of the client and the needs of the users.

Feel free to contact me. I’m looking forward to working together and discussing new ideas.

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