The Gideon Richard Project.

Design of a professional website for The Gideon Richard Project, a company based in London specialising in property investment.

Image - The Gideon Richard Project  Logo
Image - Home page mobile
Image - Projects page mobile
Image - Blog page mobile


  • Brief: Design of a professional website for The Gideon Richard Project.
  • Focus: Design a website in the property management market, renting available rooms to secure new investors.
  • Goals: Design a website with a story of professionalism, reliability and trustworthiness.
  • Team: The project was conducted individually.


  • Management of the project as the sole designer.
  • Organisation of meetings with company founders.
  • Qualitative data collection and research from the company founders to establish a brief.
  • Identification of pain points and opportunities and company vision clarification.
  • Competitor and user research.
  • Card sorting using optimal sort to determine website structure.
  • Creation of wireframes using balsamiq, site-map, personas, mood board, icons and re-design of logo.
  • Low to High-fidelity Prototyping using Figma.
  • Usability testing - Testing of specific tasks on the High-fidelity Prototype and distributing a supporting questionnaire for collection of qualitative data to identify areas for improvement in the next iteration.
Image - Design Process


How can I design a property investment website that is modern, professional and evokes a sense of trust?

Contextual Inquiry

The client did not have an existing website, so the website needed to be created from scratch. The contextual inquiry was conducted to get to know the intended users of the website and to better understand the company's objectives. The following methods were used to collect information:

  • Client Survey - Gained more in-depth insights by asking open-ended questions to find out about the company and it's stakeholders needs and values.
  • Research of existing websites - Provided information on current trends and features in the property investment and management market in the UK.
  • User Research Questionnaire - Gained insights and motivations from potential users of the website and target audience.

Contextual Analysis

The information gathered during the contextual inquiry set a foundation for the design of the website.

Key insights: Client Survey

  1. The website should be reliable, trustworthy, solid and strong.
  2. Simplified professional representation that has clear communication.
  3. The website should represent a story that can be trusted.
  4. Easy navigation and clear structure.
  5. Trust is central to the business.
  6. Colours need to invoke trustworthiness and professionalism and at the same time stand out to the target audience.

Key insights: User Research Questionnaire

  1. Users research information on economy problems, unemployment and property markets.
  2. Users are influenced to become a property investor based on seeking financial freedom, security, reliable or passive income and politics.
  3. Users want to access websites which are easy to search, have worthwhile investment opportunities and simple design.
  4. Users prefer to contact using email rather than in person or by phone.


Target audience:

  • Professionals with high net worth and who are sophisticated investors
  • The tenant market is 21-35 (millennials)


This persona was established based on qualitative user research conducted through a questionnaire with professionals who have experience or interest in investing in property. It represents an investor residing in London who would be a typical user of the website.

Image - Persona

Card Sorting.

To help the company establish a clear structure to their website I conducted a card sorting activity using optimal sort. I used key words from a questionnaire conducted with the founders to create cards and enabled them to do an open card sort to group these into possible pages. Once the card sort was conducted I used the results to establish the main pages and structure of the site.

Image - Card sort instructions
Image - Card sort categories
Image - Card sort groups example
Image - Card sort results

System Map.

The system map was established after the card sorting exercise was completed. The founders had different ideas of what the structure of the site should look like in particular the main pages in the navigation menu. I combined the ideas from the card sort and created a system map. This was re-iterated after consultation with the founders to develop the most appropriate structure based on their needs. Below is the final system map after being revised several times.

Image - System Map


The wireframes were created using balsamiq after the card sorting was conducted and system map developed.

Image - Wireframes

VISUAL DESIGN - Components.

Software – Figma, Illustrator and Photoshop.

The visual design needed to reflect the insights identified by the client in the contextual analysis. The founders specified that they wanted the colours to be 'trustworthy, solid, and strong'. I did some research looking at colour theory and the psychology of colour to find a scheme that best represented the client's needs. Initially, I had a colour scheme consisting of earth colours and blues, but it made the site feel dark and uninviting. I decided to create a mood board with images reflecting the insights and based my colour scheme on this. The fonts 'Raleway' and 'Roboto' were chosen, as they have a modern and professional feel and make a good combination.

Images in the prototype were taken by: Slawomir Rydza and were provided by the company.

Image - Colour Scheme
Image - Font
Image - Moodboard
Image - Elements

Final Prototype.

Software – Figma

After several iterations and user testing and online questionnaire of the High-fidelity prototype the final prototype of both the desktop and mobile version are featured here. The user testing was conducted with 10 participants where they had to complete a set of tasks allocated. Once the participants completed the tasks they were then given a feedback questionnaire. The questionnaire enabled the participants to focus on what they experienced during the testing.

The questions were designed to find out information on:

  1. Positives and negatives of the site
  2. Identify features which were hard to use, confusing or not needed
  3. Improvements
  4. Establish whether navigation, links, buttons and commands were clear
  5. Determine if the website is suitable for the property market industry
  6. Visual design
Image- High-fidelity prototype mobile
Image - Mobile prototype flow
Image- High-fidelity prototype desktop
Image - Desktop prototype flow


The project was completed over two months and gave me the opportunity to use a variety of design tools that I hadn’t used in previous projects, as I wanted to extend my skills. The project was conducted remotely, and communication channels were established by email and video call. I was the sole designer of the project, so it was an excellent opportunity to take ownership of the design process. I was able to apply my skills to establish a brief for the client, conduct research to inform my decisions, and apply my graphic, UI and UX design skills using a range of software.

User research feedback:

Once the high-fidelity prototype was completed and a meeting was set up with the founders to make changes based on their feedback I conducted user testing. The feedback from the user testing was very positive with users providing feedback that they believed the colour scheme was effective, the site was professional and well suited to the industry and the design was simple and easy to use. Constructive feedback was also provided and this included:

  1. More stroke on the icons would make it easier to see on mobile version.
  2. More images of the product/rooms could be included.
  3. Pictures of the founders would create a final look.
  4. Testimonials and links to sponsors.
  5. When viewing the images on the projects they should be enlarged when clicked or scrolling through for better visibility.

To address these I looked at the problems that could be easily solved in the next iteration. I first addressed the visibility of the icons on the home page and using illustrator I changed the stroke to a higher value. This improved accessbility for those who find it difficulty to see light images on mobile screens. In the next iteration additional photos would be added to the projects page. As the company is fairly new and it is their first website testimonials and sponsors will be apart of the future design as the company progresses. The images of the founders had not been provided during the design phase but it was their intention to provide these when the website was developed.

Final Thoughts:

I was able to really extend my prototyping skills in this project as I had a lot of freedom to make design decisions. My approach was minimalistic and sleek and was applied to information architecture, the colour scheme and the font choice. The feedback for the high fidelity prototype was positive and overall users felt the website reflected the clients objectives.

Project completion:

The client hired a web developer to implement my designs and create the website. Since then, updates have been made to the site, including the addition of extra pages. But the visual design components including colour scheme, typography and graphical icons remain.

The live website can be viewed here.

Feel free to contact me. I’m looking forward to working together and discussing new ideas.

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